Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Am i saying Priyank was wrong? Called when a connection from the pool is resued. To use reference cursors in packages or stored procedures, use the cfprocresult tag. Password The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password for example, in a cfquery tag. Encryption or crypto-checksumming parameters incompatible. Enables reuse of prepared statements that is, stored procedures and queries that use the cfqueryparam tag. Notify me of new posts via email.
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Please note that if the backend database moves you will need to update your connection information!

It says so in the ColdFusion docs. I would recommend using the DataDirect drivers that are shipped with ColdFusion.

ColdFusion 2016 standard and Oracle adventures

I have given an example of the MongoDB and Salesforce driver definitions below. Post as a guest Name.

Home Data Source Oracle Follow. While you were working on getting orracle to Oracle, I was doing the same thing getting ColdFusion 11 Standard connected to Sybase. Configuring and Administering Adobe ColdFusion 9.

Connection String for ColdFusion (using Oracle advanced Security)

Please follow the instructions below. To set up an Oracle thin client data source in ColdFusion 10 on a Windows environment, do the following:.

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name for example, in a cfquery tag. The macromedia jdbc drivers are datadirect?

Moreno Mar 4 '14 at Connection verification failed for data source: Everything goes fairly smoothly and then i find that none of my data sources are connecting. Why join the community? Jay Rizzi 2, 3 26 This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Once the driver is installed and the server rebooted coldfussion, do the following to create the Oracle thin client data source in ColdFusion I would try a more generic higher level call to dbinfo and see what is available.

The thin datasource driver does not support reference cursors in packages or stored procedures. As popular as Oracle is it seems a bad choice for it to only be included in enterprise.


Verify the connection string: Limit Connections Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. On a dbinfo call.

ColdFusion standard and Oracle adventures - ColdFusion

Follow us via RSS Feed. Is there a better way, probably and hopefully someone expands on it in the comments. I went to Oracle here to get the latest drivers. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. Cancel You must be logged in to post a comment. Password The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does orscle supply a password for example, in a cfquery tag.

ColdFusion MX: Configuring the Oracle JDBC thin driver

Description Optional A description for this connection. Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source.

On this page Issue Additional Information.

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Tags arx , wicd , wireless Thread Tools. Also, check your process list and the dmesg output to see if you have more than one driver loaded f...