Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Keep on posting if you find a solution. I seem to have the same problem and haven't found an answer yet. Find More Posts by PTrenholme. In some parts of the world that may be a lot, but not here. But when the linux driver takes over, a whole slew of stuff gets piped out to addresses in the part that weren't previously written 0x1,0x2,0x5. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.
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Interestingly, the vesa driver correctly identified the modline settings, and Lknux just did a cut-and-paste from the log file to the xorg. HorizSync and VertRefresh both in the "Monitor" section of your 'xorg.

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You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. If we set the TV-1 output to the same resolution the picture would almost lock. I seem to have the same problem and haven't found an answer yet. I have been trying to use xrandr to change refresh rates but haven't had any success with that either.

I need to get my old I2C probe working again to be able to capture any cbrontel data instead of walking bits with my finger on a logic analyzer screen. I would try changing those to the right values. This book contains many real life examples derived from the pinux experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. Fedora, K Ubuntu Posts: Visit the following links: The default refresh rate of 60 Hz left my display grainy with a background flicker on my monitor.

That's a pretty good lunch.

Setting it to 75 Hz cleared up everything. Here are some photos of my findings. Are you new to LinuxQuestions. The system not linux driverswrites to common addresses in the cnrontel It says right on their web site that it does work. Well you should know that intel graphics chipsets, as was succinctly stated by someone on digg, are worth their weight in guano.

I'm going to put an analyzer on the I2C bus on monday, to see if the driver writes anything different than what gets written at power on. Also, apparently, there is a ch header file in the LinuxIntelDrivers Welcome to the most active Linux Forum on the web. I would also use the vesa drivers. Let me buy you linud.

Find More Posts by PTrenholme. I was monitoring the I2C data going to the decoder. There's something being written to the TV out chip ch between the s-video connector and the G chiplibux it seems as though linyx are two sync blanking being muxed together.

But when linux takes over, the VGA signal from the G going to the decoder ch has a refresh rate of Hz. Having trouble installing a piece of hardware? We used a couple of different VGA linix and each one had a different default resolution. Linux - Hardware This forum is for Hardware issues.

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I have a multi-boot system that came with Vista pre-installed. Want to know if that peripheral is compatible with Linux?

Did anyone manage to get ch decoder working? They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own. Open Source Consulting Domain Registration.

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Tags arx , wicd , wireless Thread Tools. Also, check your process list and the dmesg output to see if you have more than one driver loaded f...